New Management Approach: Stage Management Theory as a Guide to Practice
The EPIC Conference - IN FULL
1h 0m
Narda E. Alcorn & Lisa Porter are both very successful stage managers on Broadway and around the world, as well as highly regarded educators at Yale University and University of California, San Diego, respectively. Their book and other collaborative writings have been having a huge impact on the profession of stage management. In the process of updating the book for its 2nd edition, they reflect on the changes our industry is going through and how stage managers can be a positive force in rehearsal rooms and backstage.
Up Next in The EPIC Conference - IN FULL
Sustainable Practices for Productions
Ever wondered what you or your company could do to become more sustainable? Well, we have put the panel together for you at the EPIC Conference! In the PRODUCE Pillar, Molly Braverman (Broadway Green Alliance), Christian Bjerrum (Actor, Climate Activist with Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU in Denmark), ...
Maximizing Your Full Potential and Ma...
We are all storytellers. And as artists we excel at bringing those stories to life. But what of the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, and who we think we are supposed to be? Join life-long creative and high-performance Coach Lisa Hopkins in this interactive live coaching session. Whethe...
Productions on the High Seas: The Ris...
It’s challenging enough putting up a show on land, but producing a show in the middle of the ocean? At sea, there are unique challenges to both the creative and the production process. Joyce Arbucias, Richard Hester, Marahscalh Stanton, and Mark Pawsey have created or run some of the most impactf...